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manufacturer of innovative discrete semiconductor solutions

45V,100mA,350mW Surface mount Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) NPN Low Noise
BCX70K product image
Documentation Links:
Device Datasheet
Case & Material Composition Datasheet
Chip Process Datasheet:CP388X-CMKT5089M10
Item Number Status Description Packaging Base Availability ECCN Code HTS Code Part Marking: Request Samples
BCX70K BK Active 45V,100mA,350mW Surface mount Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) NPN Low Noise Box@3,500 Please call for Qty
EAR99 8541.21.0075 AK 
BCX70K TR Active 45V,100mA,350mW Surface mount Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) NPN Low Noise Reel@3,000 Please call for Qty
EAR99 8541.21.0075 AK 
CP388X-BCX70K-CT Active 45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,12.990 X 12.990 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) WafflePack@400 Please call for Qty
EAR99 8541.21.0040  
CP388X-BCX70K-WN Active 45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,12.990 X 12.990 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) Wafer@102,852*</br>*Estimated, die qty will vary based on probing Please call for Qty
EAR99 8541.21.0040  
CP388X-BCX70K-WR Active 45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,12.990 X 12.990 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) Wafer@102,852*</br>*Estimated, die qty will vary based on probing Please call for Qty
EAR99 8541.21.0040  
CP188V-BCX70K-WR Discontinued 45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,14.568 X 14.568 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) Wafer@54,599*</br>*Estimated, die qty will vary based on probing Replaced by CP388X-BCX70K-WR
Exact Electrical Equivalent, Slight Mechanical Differences
EAR99 8541.21.0040  

Please note:
  1. If requesting Tin/Lead plated devices, add the suffix " TIN/LEAD" to the part number when ordering (example: 2N2222A TIN/LEAD).
  2. If requesting Lead (Pb) Free plated devices, add the suffix " PBFREE" to the part number when ordering (example: 2N2222A PBFREE).
A Central sales representative will confirm the availability of the plating type requested.

Additional Documentation Links:
Analytical Test Report:Leadframe
Analytical Test Report:Gold Bond Wire
Analytical Test Report:Green Epoxy Molding Compound
Analytical Test Report:Sn Plating
Analytical Test Report:Green Epoxy Molding Compound
Analytical Test Report:Copper Bond Wire
Analytical Test Report:Henkel 84-1LMISR4
Spice Model:Spice Model BCX70K
Material Composition:SOT-23
Process Change Notice:Copper Wire Bonding
Process Change Notice:All Small Signal Transistor
Package Detail Document:SOT-23
Product Reliability Data:SOT-23 Package Reliability
Step File 3D Object:SOT-23

Alternate Devices with Different Packaging:
Part Number

45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,14.568 X 14.568 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A)
WaferForm, WafflePack
Discontinued, Stock Only<br><a href="">Replaced by:CP388X-BCX70K</a>



45V,100mA,350mW Bare die,12.990 X 12.990 mils,Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A)
WaferForm, WafflePack

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